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完美,北京市垡头污水处理厂改扩建工程设计技术方案 邱明海(上海市政工程设计研究总院有限公司,上海200092)


焦点提醒: 北京市垡头污水处置厂改扩建项目设想手艺方案 邱明海(上海市政项目设想研究总院无限公司,上海200092) 中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事PDF下载[1]邱明海.北京市垡头污水处置厂改扩建项目设想手艺方案[J].中国给水排水,2018,34(20):13-16. QIU Ming hai.Reconstruction and Expansion Design Technical Plan of Beijing Fatou Wastewater Treatment Plant[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(20):13-16.点击复制

Reconstruction and Expansion Design Technical Plan of Beijing Fatou Wastewater Treatment Plant
QIU Ming hai
(Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute <Group> Co. Ltd., Shanghai 200092, China)
wastewater treatment plant;three-dimension layout;phased implementation
按照《北京市加速污水处置和再生水操纵举措措施扶植三年步履方案(2016—2019)》要求,垡头污水处置厂改扩建项目属在北京市中间城区核准立项扶植的11项污水处置项目之一。该污水处置厂近况范围为2×104 m3/d,采取CASS工艺,占地为1.3 hm2。改扩建项目要求在不新征地、不断水环境下,处置范围扩建至10×104 m3/d,出水水质由今朝的《城镇污水处置厂污染物排放尺度》(GB 18918—2002)一级B尺度提高到北京市《城镇污水处置厂水污染物排放尺度》(DB 11/890—2012)B级尺度。这些要求为手艺方案设想带来很是年夜的挑战,是以项目设想手艺方案中应贯彻优化工艺、立体结构、分阶段实行的准绳。经由过程论证,构成了采取MBR工艺和构(建)筑物之间层叠或镶嵌结构并分三个阶段实行的方案,以知足增年夜处置水量、提超出跨越水水质、节流用地、运转中不断水的方针。
According to the requirements of the “Threeyear Action Plan for Accelerating the Construction of Wastewater Treatment and Reclaimed Water Utilization Facilities in Beijing (2016-2019)”, the expansion project of Fatou Wastewater Treatment Plant (FWTP) has been approved for the construction, which belongs to one of the 11 wastewater treatment projects of the central city of Beijing. The current treatment capacity of the FWTP is 20 000 m3/d, and the CASS process is adopted with area coverage of 1.3 hm2. The reconstruction and expansion project is required to reach the treatment capacity of 100 000 m3/d without new land acquisition or no water stoppage. The effluent water quality will be improved from the current first level B criteria of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant(GB 18918-2002) to Beijing local standard grade B of Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants(DB 11/890-2012). These requirements bring great challenges to the design of technical plan. Therefore, the principles of optimizing process, threedimensional layout and phased implementation should be implemented in the project design technical solution. Through the demonstration, a scheme was formed, which adopted the MBR process to construct the stacking or superimposing layout between structures (buildings), and was implemented them in three stages to meet the requirements of increasing the quantity of treated water, improving the effluent quality, saving land, and not stopping the water during operation.


[1]GB 18918—2002,城镇污水处置厂污染物排放尺度[S]. 北京:中国情况科学出书社,2002. GB 18918-2002,Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant[S]. Beijing:China Environmental Science Press,2002(in Chinese).


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作者简介:邱明海(1970-),男,河北邯郸人,年夜学本科,高级项目师,上海市政院第四设想院副院长,处置污水处置设想工作。 收稿日期:2018-07-26

更新日期/Last Update:2018-10-17

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