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完美,城镇污水厂排水回用于集中供热管网补充水工程应用 作者:刘小雷1,肖丽婷1,郝明星2(1.长春工程学院水利与环境工程学院,吉林长春130012;2.长春市热力﹤集团﹥有限责任公司,吉林长春13005


焦点提醒:城镇污水厂排水回用在集中供热管网弥补水项目利用 作者:刘小雷1,肖丽婷1,郝明星2(1.长春项目学院水利与情况项目学院,吉林长春130012;2.长春市热力﹤团体﹥无限义务公司,吉林长春130051)中国给水排水2022年中国城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十三届)邀请函暨征稿启事 中国给水排水2022年中国城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十三届)邀请函暨征稿启事

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  • English上一篇下一篇[1]刘小雷,肖丽婷,郝明星.城镇污水厂排水回用在集中供热管网弥补水项目利用[J].中国给水排水,2021,37(4):20-25. LIU Xiao-lei,XIAO Li-ting,HAO Ming-xing.Engineering Application of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Effluent Reused for Supplementary Water of District Heating Network[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(4):20-25.点击复制

    Engineering Application of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Effluent Reused for Supplementary Water of District Heating Network
    LIU Xiao-lei1,XIAO Li-ting1,HAO Ming-xing2
    (1. School of Water Conservancy & Environment Engineering, Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun 130012, China; 2. Changchun Municipal Heating Group Co. Ltd., Changchun 130051,China)
    urban district heating network;supplementary water;reuse of drainage of municipal wastewater treatment plant;recirculating cooling water
    经由过程调研城市供热运营企业出产需乞降类比国内既有相干项目实例,认为知足《城镇污水处置厂污染物排放尺度》(GB 18918—2002)一级A尺度的城镇污水处置厂排水经处置后可作为同时知足《工业轮回冷却水处置设想规范》(GB/T 50050—2017)、《城市污水再生操纵 工业用水水质》(GB/T 19923—2005)和《采暖空调系统水质》(GB/T 29044—2012)的城阛阓中供热管网弥补水回用,但水处置项目的选址与范围应与城阛阓中供热管网扶植的具体计划相契合。城市供热运营企业尚需搭建24项水质目标的周全监测手艺平台;研发水处置本钱与间接采办工业用自来水比拟可以或许构成较着价钱劣势的新工艺;采取经济合用的缓蚀阻垢杀生剂配方以下降集中供热管网保护费;随机应变地展开全生命周期经济评价以衡量管材基建费用与缓蚀阻垢杀生剂运营费用的弃取,以谋求我国酷寒地域和严寒地域的冬季供热真正实现节能减排。
    Demand for supplementary water from district heating (DH) management enterprises and relevant domestic engineering cases were investigated, and thus it was suggested that the treated drainage of municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), which was satisfied with the first class A criteria of GB 18918-2002, and which met the norms of GB/T 50050-2017, GB/T 19923-2005 and GB/T 29044-2012 simultaneously, could be reused as the supplementary water of DH network. The locations and dimensions of the water treatment projects should correspond to construction programme of the DH network. In order to truly implement energy saving & emission reduction for heating supply in freezing and cold regions in China, DH management enterprises still need monitoring setups for the 24 water quality indices, a new water reuse technology of which processing cost is much lower than the price of tap water for industry use, an application of suitable scale, corrosion and microo����APPrganism inhibitors reducing the maintenance expense of the DH network, and a launch of the total life cycle economic assessment for trading off the capital expenditure of pipes against the operating expenses of inhibitors, suiting to the local conditions.
    更新日期/Last Update:2021-02-17

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