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完美,合流制排水分区海绵城市多层级调控效果定量评估 韩靖博1,2,杨默远1,潘兴瑶1,卢亚静1,刘名文1,3,陈昊1,2(1.北京市水科学技术研究院,北京100048;2.河海大学水文水资源学院,江苏


焦点提醒:合流制排水份区海绵城市多层级调控结果定量评估 韩靖博1,2,杨默远1,潘兴瑶1,卢亚静1,刘名文1,3,陈昊1,2(1.北京市水科学手艺研究院,北京100048;2.河海年夜学水文水资本学院,江苏南京210098;3.河海年夜学理学院,江苏南京211100)中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事

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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]韩靖博,杨默远,潘兴瑶,等.合流制排水份区海绵城市多层级调控结果定量评估[J].中国给水排水,2020,36(19):95-101. HAN Jing-bo,YANG Mo-yuan,PAN Xing-yao,et al.Quantitative Evaluation of Multi-level Regulation Effect of Sponge City in Combined Drainage Zone[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(19):95-101.点击复制

    Quantitative Evaluation of Multi-level Regulation Effect of Sponge City in Combined Drainage Zone
    HAN Jing-bo1,2,YANG Mo-yuan1,PAN Xing-yao1,LU Ya-jing1,LIU Ming-wen1,3,CHEN Hao1,2
    (1. Beijing Water Science and Technology Institute, Beijing 100048, China; 2. College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; 3. College of Science, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)
    海绵城市;多层级调控;合流制溢流;年径流总量节制率;InfoWorks ICM
    sponge city;multi-level regulation;combined sewer overflow;volume capture ratio of annual runoff;InfoWorks ICM
    海绵城市扶植逐步强调系统管理的理念,经由过程多层级调控办法充实阐扬海绵城市扶植结果,但今朝多层级调控办法缺少注意的定量评估研究。为此,以北京城市副中间海绵城市试点区内的一个已建合流制排水份区为例,基在InfoWorks ICM软件建立海绵城市扶植区的邃密化模子并展开情形摹拟阐发,定量评估分歧层级的海绵城市扶植结果。成果注解:①与海绵城市扶植前比拟,泉源调控、进程调控、结尾调控方案的年径流总量节制率由47.9%别离晋升至51.4%、75.7%、75.2%,泉源-进程结合调控方案和泉源-进程-结尾结合调控方案别离到达77.0%和84.5%;②在合流制排水份区计较年径流总量节制率时,招考虑鄙人游再生水厂处的间接溢流进程,以正确评估海绵城市扶植结果;③对合流制排水份区,实行截污管进程调控项目后仍具有年均13次的合流制溢流事务,泉源-进程-结尾结合调控使得年均溢流频次和溢流总量别离下降61.5%和52.5%;④受再生水厂处置能力的限制,多层级调控手艺方案对排水份区下流再生水厂溢流事务的影响十分无限,年均溢流频次和溢流总量仅下降6.2%和3.8%,有需要在排水份区标准多层级海绵城市扶植的根本上,采取再生水厂提标革新等一系列分析性手段,实现区域标准的海绵城市扶植方针。
    Sponge city construction gradually emphasizes the concept of system governance, and its effect can be fully manifested through multi-level regulation measures. However, there is a lack of detailed quantitative evaluation research on multi-level regulation measures. A case study was carried out in a built-up combined drainage area in a sponge city pilot area of Beijing sub-center. A refined model of sponge city construction area based on InfoWorks ICM software was built, and the scenario simulation analysis was carried out. The effect of sponge city construction at different levels was quantitatively evaluated. Compared with the pre-sponge city, the volume capture ratio of annual runoff of source regulation, process control and terminal regulation schemes increased from 47.9% to 51.4%, 75.7% and 75.2% respectively, and those of the source-process and source-process-end combined control schemes reached 77.0% and 84.5%, respectively. When calculating volume capture ratio of annual runoff in the combined drainage zone, indirect overflow process of downstream reclaimed water plant should be considered to accurately evaluate the effect of sponge city construction. For the combined drainage zone, there were still 13 combined sewer overflow events per year after the implementation of the interception pipeline control project, and the source-process-end combined regulation could reduce the annual average overflow frequency and total overflow volume by 61.5% and 52.5%, respectively. Restricted by the treatment capacity of the reclaimed water plant, the impact of the multi-level regulation technical scheme on the overflow events of the downstream reclaimed water plant was very limited, and the annual average overflow frequency and total overflow volume only decreased by 6.2% and 3.8% respectively. Therefore, it was necessary to adopt a series of comprehensive means, such as construction of reclaimed water plant, to realize the construction target of sponge city at regional scale on the basis of multi-level sponge city construction of the drainage zone.


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    更新日期/Last Update:2020-10-01

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